
The district attorney sought to exclude Black jurors from Curtis Flowers' six trials for killings he always maintained he didn't commit.
“Cop shows glorify police.” The widely popular TV crime genre that uses policing as entertainment has been taking a toll on Black and brown communities.
Filmmaker George Zuber wants "Where Justice Ends" to remind viewers that “injustices faced by the most vulnerable ... urgently need to be understood.”
The Sacramento Police Department have released footage of an incident that led to a teenage boy being rundown by a squad car.
"Think small, and you can do much bigger things,” the rapper wrote in a new essay.
To all of my black people who seek justice, peace and most of all healing during this trying time, I want you to know that you too are warriors.
"All of a sudden, I knew I wanted to help condemned people get to higher ground," says Bryan Stevenson.