
Fox News’ Judicial Analyst Andrew Napolitano has shredded his colleague and friend Sean Hannity, for claiming he had attorney-client privilege with President Trump’s embattled fixer Michael Cohen.
These videos function much like lynchings. They show black people that their lives are at the mercy of whiteness.
President Donald Trump may be considering pardoning his associates ensnared in the Russia investigating. But it’s a risky strategy that could still lead to his downfall.
It’s not just about progressives practicing what they preach.
“Give me time to give my children a beautiful life.”
They also called her shrill, strident and emotional. Marcia Clark talks surviving sexism, and her hopes for #MeToo.
The decision follows a hung jury last year and an acquittal on other charges last week.
The president had said he would keep Gitmo open and "load it up with some bad dudes."
Divorce attorneys share their tricks of the trade.
More than 100 prosecutions involving Officer Richard Pinheiro Jr. have been dropped.