Streaming Media

A black comedy slasher film and 2005 animated fantasy are also trending on streaming services like Hulu, Prime Video, Apple TV+ and Max.
As more U.S. households turn to streaming and distributors have less incentive to remain in the business, the industry is in for a shake-up.
A newly canceled sports drama and two fantasy adaptations are also trending on streaming services like Hulu, Apple TV+, Prime Video and Max.
Here's where you can rent or buy "Barbie" on video on demand, starting today.
A troubling documentary and multiple sci-fi movies are also trending on the streaming service.
A new rom-com and a true crime documentary are also trending on the streaming service.
A comedy special from popular podcasters and Kim Cattrall's new dramedy are also trending on the streaming service.
"Julie & Julia" and "Moesha" are among the titles departing the streaming platform next month.
A new Mexican drama and hit USA legal series are also trending on the streaming service.
A steamy Colombian drama and queer dating reality series are also trending on the streaming service.