Climate Change

“Record wind speeds will likely continue to be broken as the planet continues to warm,” the pair wrote in a new paper.
A long-simmering feud over building codes is boiling over and may discredit the system the U.S. has relied on for decades.
“The government should stop prosecuting peaceful protesters, and instead find ways to tackle the climate crisis," defense attorney Raj Chada said.
Around France, angry farmers have been using their tractors to set up road blockades in protest of low wages and cheap imports.
Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders is scrambling to moderate his stances, and climate denial could be at the top of the list.
Three global assessments confirm last year was by far the hottest in recorded history. “We’re frankly astonished,” one scientist said of the findings.
Forced to abandon their ancient herding lifestyle, rural Mongolians struggle to manage in the smog-choked capital city.
A storm has brought heavy rain, strong winds across northern Europe, bringing down trees and prompting warnings of flooding on the North Sea coast.
The administration's strict rules for "green" hydrogen boost some clean power, like geothermal energy, but deal a blow to nuclear.
What happens when the way of life that sustained your family for millennia is no longer compatible with our planet?